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III. Exclusive Skills

III.1. ES by group

  • Civic (CIV): Artistic Vein (specific); Education (specific); Workmanship (specific).

  • General (GEN): Appraise; Detect; Dodge; First aid; Hunt; Outdoor survival; Perception; Ride; Stamina; Swim; Train animals.

  • Illicit (ILL): Body control; Deceive; Legerdemain; Stealth; Tamper; Workmanship (vile arts).

  • Martial (MAR): Brawl; Combat art (specific); Trained in armors; Trained in shields; Wrestle.

  • Occult (OCC): Clerical Canon (prayer); Lore (Clerical Canons); Lore (Secret Sorcery); Secret Sorcery (word).

III.2. ES description

The following paragraph lists all the ES in the game; these are defined by:

KS/US, Group: the related stats and the ES group (see Third level of attributes)

Description: a short description of the skill.

Check: the type of check allowed, including how the check should be performed, if and what is the opposite check, what are the consequences of the use (when an ARCO or ARCT is mentioned, refer to paragraph Action resolution checks).

Available to: the careers who have access to the skill; for completeness Appendix ~ Access to ES by place of origin and Appendix ~ Access to ES by social class show the access according to the background (built on a ‘standard fantasy’ setting).

Time: the time required to carry out the activity underlying to the check: this can be ‘normal’ (if it sticks to time as in Performing an action), otherwise it is defined ‘long-lasting’ (when it depends on character’s willingness) or, lastly, ‘special’ (for particular cases and a rule is added).


KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, GEN

Description: analyze an object, understand its origin, its manufacture and the materials used; get a rough estimate of the value.

Check: usually ARCT (easy threshold for common items).

Available to: Wizard, Thief

Time: special, 1 turn per kg up to 10 turns max (for more than 10 kg, the GM defines the timing).

Artistic Vein (specific)

KS/US, Group: Control/Accuracy, CIV

Description: the character is able to master a defined form of art (like music, painting or dance). A specific ES is developed for every form of art.

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Wizard, Knight, Cleric

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action. The GM may require additional checks after the first.

Body control

KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, ILL

Description: perform acrobatic maneuvers, agility moves that otherwise cannot be done, balance and even contortion tests.

Check: usually an ARCT; in case a character falls from more than 3m with a successful ARCT, he is able to reduce the total damage suffered (for details see Non-combat cases). In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Thief, Assassin

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.


KS/US, Group: Build/Vigor, MAR

Description: perform an attack without weapons (bare hands for humans or any natural weapon for other creatures like animals, see Actions in combat).

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Melee attacks.

Available to: Man-at-arms, Ranger, Thief, Assassin

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Clerical Canon (prayer)

KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, OCC

Description: a specific ‘prayer’ called Clerical Canon grants magic powers; any caster opens as many ES as the ‘prayers’ he wants to learn (see Channeling magic).

Check: the game mechanics for channeling spells are detailed in Clerical Canons spellcasting.

Available to: Cleric

Time: special, from 1 turn up to 3 turns, the same as of SS, see Secret Sorcery spellcasting.

Combat art with axes, blunt weapons, heavy blades, polearms, unconventional weapons

KS/US, Group: Build/Vigor, MAR

Description: use any kind of weapon belonging to the group of weapons and to perform a melee attack.

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Melee attacks.

Available to: Man-at-arms, Ranger (axes); Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger (blunt weapons); Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Assassin (heavy blades); Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger (polearms); Man-at-arms, Druid, Ranger, Thief, Assassin (unconventional weapons)

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Combat art with bows, crossbows

KS/US, Group: Control/Accuracy, MAR

Description: use either bows or crossbows and perform a ranged attack.

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Ranged attacks.

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Druid, Ranger, Assassin (bow); Knight, Man-at-arms, Thief, Assassin (crossbow)

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Combat art with daggers, light blades, vile weapons

KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, MAR

Description: use any kind of weapon belonging to the group of weapons and perform a melee attack.

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Melee attacks.

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Thief, Assassin (daggers); Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Thief, Assassin (light blades); Thief, Assassin (vile weapons)

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Combat art with thrown weapons

KS/US, Group: Control/Accuracy, MAR

Description: use any kind of weapon belonging to the group of thrown weapons and perform a ranged attack.

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Ranged attacks.

Available to: Cleric, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Druid, Thief, Assassin, Wizard

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.


KS/US, Group: Control/Accuracy, ILL

Description: disguise and pretend to be someone else or to imitate another person's manner and voice. It is necessary to have a kit to change appearance, otherwise it is only possible to imitate voices or gestures.

Check: usually an ARCO is required against the subjects that should be deceived (against target’s ES Perception).

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action. The GM may require additional checks after the first.


KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, GEN

Description: find something which is voluntarily looked for; it is required on all occasions when it is necessary to find something not evident.

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Thief, Assassin

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action. The GM may require additional checks after the first.


KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, GEN

Description: defend yourself in a combat (see Melee attacks); this can happen even out of a combat situation (e.g. to avoid a physical impact with an object or subject).

Check: for combat an ARCO is required against the attacker; in other situations, either ARCT or ARCO. In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Thief, Assassin

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.; this means that a character may dodge up 3 blows in a round, either attacks or non-combat events.

Education (field)

KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, CIV

Description: the character has a knowledge in a specific field; the fields of application are: alchemy (mineral or vegetable elements, potion ingredients and main combinations); arts (history of art, major artists and main techniques for painting, sculpting, writing or writing music); astrology (influences of the stars, techniques of forecasting the future and of reading astrological signs); economy (principles of economics, finance laws and major financial figures); engineering (main construction principles, materials and resistance of the elements); geography (physical and political territory); heraldry (ruling families, political order of nations and their main figures); history (general knowledge of history with particular focus on the local one); languages (specific language, namely read and write and, if not the mother tongue, also speak; a new ES for each language is necessary); medicine (organs and their functions in the human body); mythology (myths and legends with particular focus on local ones); nature (specific ecosystem; a new ES for each ecosystem is necessary); religion (general knowledge of religions); sciences ( mathematics and physics).

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Wizard, Cleric (alchemy); Knight, Cleric (art); Wizard, Cleric, Druid (astrology); Knight (economics); Wizard (engineering); Wizard, Knight, Cleric (geography); Wizard, Knight, Cleric, Thief (heraldry); Wizard, Knight, Cleric, Druid (language); Wizard, Cleric, Druid (medicine); Wizard, Knight, Cleric, Druid (mythology); Wizard, Cleric, Druid (nature); Wizard, Knight, Cleric, Druid (religion); Wizard, Cleric (science); Wizard, Knight, Cleric, Druid, Thief (history)

Time: special, one check each piece of information to be known or assessed (regardless of the time to retrieve it); if the check is failed, a second check can be performed only once the score of that specific field is increased.

First aid

KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, GEN

Description: diagnose trauma and adopt a first cure (it is not possible to make a prognosis as this requires the ES Education medicine); interrupt the countdown of a character who has a zero stat (see Injuries and death); improve the rate of recover of an injured character (see Recovery and healing); knowledge of the use and effects of medicinal preparations and compounds (it is not possible to prepare them as this requires the ES Apothecary).

Check: usually an ARCT; in order to interrupt the countdown of a character who has a zero stat, the base threshold is average.

Available to: Man-at-arms, Cleric, Ranger, Druid

Time: special, one check lasts a number of turns equal to the value of the threshold (e.g. 9 turns if the threshold is average). In a check to interrupt the countdown, the effect of the action starts at the first turn of the ES application.


KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, GEN

Description: perform various activities aimed at capturing preys in the wilderness (follow footprints, use ropes, set traps), treat the body of the prey in order to obtain food and hides.

Check: usually an ARCT. In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Knight, Druid, Ranger

Time: special, one check lasts a number of minutes equal to 10 times the value of the threshold (i.e. 60 minutes if the threshold is easy).


KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, ILL

Description: use with particular skill of the hands; carry out actions such as pickpocketing, cheating at certain games, hiding small objects, using sleight of hand, being able to untie ropes and other similar actions.

Check: either ARCT (untie a knot) or ARCO (pickpocket, cheat or other actions where there are targets and the opponents’ ES is Perception).

Available to: Thief, Assassin

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Lore (Clerical Canons)

KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, OCC

Description: acquaintance with mysteries related to channeling magic and the stories or myths that lie behind spells or magic effects; understand the dynamics of an already cast spell by means of its aura: this can happen within a limited time of 1 hour per point of Spell cost (see Clerical Canons spellcasting); understand a spell while it is being cast in order to counterspell it.

Check: an ARCT to retrieve information on spells or magic effects; in order either to understand the aura from an already cast spell or to identify the spell to counterspell, an ARCT with a threshold like the casting one.

Available to: Cleric

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action for the first case; special for the last two cases: the time required lasts 1 turn (see Clerical Canons counterspell).

Lore (Secret Sorcery)

KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, OCC

Description: same as Lore (Clerical Canons) applied to eldritch magic.

Check: same as Lore (Clerical Canons) applied to eldritch magic.

Available to: Wizard, Druid

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action for the first case; special for the last two cases: the time required lasts 1 turn (see Secret Sorcery counterspell).

Outdoor survival

KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, GEN

Description: carry out activities useful to survive in the wild (finding food and water, understanding dangers, orienteering, predicting the weather, using ropes, lighting a campfire). The ecosystem must be specified (one between mountain, forest, desert or similar).

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Man-at-arms, Druid, Ranger

Time: normal, for understanding dangers, orienteering, predicting the weather using ropes (see Performing an action); the other ones are long-lasting.


KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, GEN

Description: identify every detail related to sight, smell, touch and hearing. This ES is used against Deceive and Legerdemain.

Check: either ARCT or ARCO against Deceive and Legerdemain.

Available to: all careers

Time: long-lasting for ARCT or normal, as described in Performing an action for ARCO.


KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, GEN

Description: use a horse in its simplest activities: walk, trot and gallop without any check. Any other horse action requires a check. It is necessary to allocate points on the type of animal to be ridden (i.e. a donkey can be ridden with the ES relative to the horse, a hippogriph cannot).

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger, Druid

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Secret Sorcery (word)

KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, OCC

Description: knowledge of a specific ‘word’ which is part of the ritual to cast an eldritch spell (Secret Sorcery); any caster opens as many ES as the ‘words’ he wants to learn (for further details see Eldritch magic).

Check: the game mechanics for channeling spells are detailed in Secret Sorcery spellcasting.

Available to: Wizard, Druid

Time: special, from 1 turn up to 3 turns, for details see Secret Sorcery spellcasting.


KS/US, Group: Control/Agility, ILL

Description: move silently and hide.

Check: usually an ARCT. In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Ranger, Thief, Assassin

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action. The GM may require additional checks after the first.


KS/US, Group: Build/Endurance, GEN

Description: resist prolonged efforts both in combat (see Melee attacks and Ranged attacks) and in non-combat (see Non-combat cases); climb without the aid of tools; any other action where resistance is required.

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: all careers

Time: special, one check per turn until rest (see States of the character).


KS/US, Group: Build/Endurance, GEN

Description: for simple and time-limited swimming no check is required; a check is needed for complex (e.g. burdened) or long-lasting actions.

Check: usually an ARCT. In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Ranger

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action. The GM may require additional checks after the first.


KS/US, Group: Control/Accuracy, ILL

Description: act on mechanisms and mechanical parts; among the possible actions, disable traps or mechanical devices and pick locks.

Check: usually an ARCT.

Available to: Thief, Assassin

Time: special, one check lasts a number of turns equal to the value of the threshold (e.g. 9 turns if the threshold is average).

Train animals

KS/US, Group: Empathy/Awareness, GEN

Description: teach animals to perform simple commands (e.g. falconry).

Check: ARCT of the trainer per single command; the threshold is the result of (20 - score of IN) of the trained animal. The animal can learn a number of commands up to its IN score per point allocated to this ES.

Available to: Druid, Ranger

Time: special, one check lasts a number of days equal to the value of the threshold (i.e. 17 days if the score of Intellect of the animal is 3).

Trained in armors

KS/US, Group: Build/Endurance, MAR

Description: every armor causes a malus equal to its level unless the character has an adequate score in this ES while wearing it. The malus is applied to any action where the GM sees the armor as an obstacle and it is included in the ‘Other adjustments’ of the ARC (see Bonus and malus application). Every 2 points in this ES reduce the penalty caused by the use of armor by 1 point up to 4.

Check: no checks required for this ES (the modifiers are directly applied within the check of any other ES).

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger

Time: special, time is not applicable.

Trained in shields

KS/US, Group: Build/Endurance, MAR

Description: use any kind of shield and perform a defense with it.

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Melee attacks.

Available to: Knight, Man-at-arms, Ranger

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Workmanship (art)

KS/US, Group: Intellect/Erudition, CIV (not for all fields, see description)

Description: perform a precise craftsman job as follows: apothecary (brew potions, make ointments and other alchemical preparations); banker (deal with business, manage assets, develop financial negotiations); blacksmith (work metals, repair weapons and armor, shoe horses); carpenter (work wood, build and repair wooden objects, prepare arrows); constructor (design and construct buildings and wagons); goldsmith (work precious metals and gems, engrave metal and create small mechanical devices); notary (write contracts, handle suits in court, interpret the law); sailor (sail and knowledge of the marine ecosystem); sawbones (treat wounds, be a dentist, amputate and sew sutures); tanner (know animal skins, work leather, prepare leather clothes, armor and shields); vile arts (group ILL – bribe, fend off and falsify, torture, silently hit a target, for this action see Actions in combat); weaponsmith (make and repair weapons, armor and other similar items such as animal harnesses); weaver (weave a fabric, knit wool, prepare and repair clothes); other minor arts (multiple activities to be selected individually: brewing beer and spirits, building ropes, working stone, cutting down and working trees and others at the discretion of the GM).

Check: usually an ARCT is required where the threshold is defined by the GM according to the circumstances. In case of a prolonged action (see Non-combat cases), the character may become Fatigued (see States of the character).

Available to: Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Assassin (apothecary); Knight (banker); Man-at-arms (blacksmith); Ranger (carpenter); none for constructor; Knight, Thief (goldsmith); Wizard, Knight (notary); Thief, Assassin (other minor arts); none for sailor; Cleric (sawbones); Ranger (tanner); Thief, Assassin (vile arts); Man-at-arms, Assassin (weaponsmith); none for weaver

Time: long-lasting, one check for as many turns as the character wants to carry out the action with 2 exceptions (the GM may require additional checks during the action in case of a long-lasting performance). The exceptions are: silently hit a target of vile arts which is normal (see Performing an action) and any sawbones activity which is special (one check lasts a number of minutes equal to the value of the threshold – e.g. 6 minutes for an easy threshold).


KS/US, Group: Build/Vigor, MAR

Description: attack by attempting a weaponless hand-to-hand maneuver which grants positive outcomes in combat, such as having the target on the ground, or grappling the target, or other similar outcomes (see Actions in combat).

Check: either ARCO or ARCT according to the rules in Melee attacks against either ES Wrestle (to counter the attack) or ES Dodge (to avoid the attack).

Available to: Man-at-arms, Ranger, Assassin

Time: normal, as described in Performing an action.

Next chapter