About the author

There is not much to say about me: I am a former player, GM and collector… I started playing at 13, I quitted at 44: more than 30 years spent on nearly only fantasy RPGs, D&D on top of them! I have been collecting for nearly 25 years and I am currently trying to stop (it’s not that easy!)… even in this case, nearly only fantasy RPGs, the older the better! I have been regularly attending RPG boards and forum since the dawn of 2000 and I am currently active in particular on the Acaeum boards, where I am also a member of the Valuation Board. Along my life I dedicated to several collateral activities in the RPG industry and some of them had been extremely useful to let me publish my game like a professional product without external support.

Now I am here with the VI·VIII·X KUP RPG project: I am well aware I am not a ‘pro’… this is a passion which I tried to rationalize looking at how the world is turning… and that’s not only a matter of games!

About the game

VI·VIII·X is a fantasy RPG: among the thousands of games of this very prolific industry there could be no reason to choose this one.

There are neither quotations of VIP nor the selling propositions of the most marketed best sellers. Please avoid to ask for blurbs or elevator’s pitch here, be clement!

This game has been thought with a clear goal: make out of a game a way to transfer the importance of certain values we are currently loosing.



A (hopefully) new way to play RPGs in order to enjoy the way and not only the destination


Former RPG player, GM, and (nearly) collector... now RPG author: if you're curious enough, if you feel RPGs could provide something more, if you see only form with no substance, don't fear to be alone anymore! You found a fellow here!