So, I have completed the job: the quickstart book is complete along with the handouts! The next step is to wait for the proofread feedback and have the final version.
I have prepared the cover based on a still life by Willem van Aelst: I am well aware of the fact that both painting and artist are not the most known in the world but the contents was so perfect to fit the title that I could not resist…
The mock-up of the book is the following:
Ok, let’s spoil something then: the book (if the proofread doesn’t change it too much) is 54-page long: a very short introduction of 3 pages brings to the chapter of the game fundamentals. The later is 12 page long, not a very extensive text where I tried to condense the main mechanics of the game. After this part, the chapter dedicated to the adventure is deployed: this is the longest part of the book with 19 pages. To be honest within the development of the plot, I also added some other rules. These were placed following the order of utility so that the reader can learn a rule just before he can use it. A final chapter with some useful tables and refs close the book.
The layout has been prepared to make a clear distinction between the part of the rules and the module. I also added the great artworks which BoraNera prepared for the adventure and I used an old background image done by a friend of mine, Lorenzo (aka Arciere Arcano) who did it ages ago for a book I never published (a sample page of the module was present in the previous post).
The handouts are 24 double-page sheets: they will be available only as a pdf since they need to be printed on lose pages and used for the adventure (therefore no POD version). In there the following info are available: the overall background of the adventure, the character’s sheets for the players (each of them has a personal – and secret – background, a map and a real char sheet with an illo), the PC sheets for the GM (remember we’re still in the KUP model…), the roster of NPCs and the maps to be used during the game.
While waiting for the proofread, I will prepare the same handouts in Italian to meet the requests of some guys of the Italian communities I attend! I owe them this…
I had many other details about this job but I miss them now and I am in hurry! (…that’s weird, it never happens…)
…stay tuned!